Well Being
To improve the well- being of vulnerable and underprivileged girls in the maasai communities.
To promote primary, secondary and vocational education to vulnerable and underprivileged girls in the slum communities.
To promote income generating opportunities to the vulnerable and underprivileged through Maasai Craft and beading as well as livestock rearing.

Our Vision
Everyone deserves an education regardless of age or gender, religion or physical capacity, ethnic group or displacement through conflict. Education is essential if people are to participate in the life of their own communities.

Our Mission
Provision of holistic high quality education and skills to vulnerable and underprivileged slum girls for better resource exploitation, management and control for improved quality of life.
Our plan
i) To access primary, secondary and vocational education to the vulnerable and underprivileged girls in the slums. ii) To access the vulnerable and underprivileged girls in the slums with scholastic materials and other training materials. iii) To improve the nutrition and sanitary condition of these vulnerable and underprivileged girls.Prevention of the involvement of these vulnerable and underprivileged girls into early and force marriages, commercial sex activities, child domestic labour and other immoral activities. iv) To increase capacity in job creation and income generation. v) To promote more cohesive considerate and creative individuals/societies with equal opportunities and rights for all.

Our Services
In order to help the less fortunate in the Maasai community, one can join the fund raiser community or engage himself or herself with Amboseli Lover organization who are involved in raising funds for the poor and needy people.You can organize activities and become an active member of an organization’s board or membership. Fund raising can involve donating items for free and holding auctions for those items. This would help raise funds.